Monday 30 June 2014

to check out what I'm reading!

I must confess..... I am a slacker...

I must confess....I have been thinking of this post since last Monday when Kirsty posted the prompt..

I must confess... I had plans of getting to the post prior to 9:34pm on the night of the link up..

I must confess... I love reading and getting lost in a good book and it's something that I used to do a hell of a lot more of than I do now and I will honestly blame social media and my ipad for that. I used love reading before going to sleep, I love nothing more than curling up in bed with a good bed and getting lost in the storyline before drifting off to sleep. Before I knew it the books were being replaced with scrolling mindlessly through Facebook and Twitter and playing endless (pointless) games. This year I made a conscience effort to change that, I started leaving my ipad and iphone downstairs and getting back into reading. Joining the Australian Women Writers Challenge has also helped. I have pledged to read and promote 6 books written by Australian Authors.

We have some amazingly talented authors in this country and I have loved getting to know some new ones, like the one I am currently reading.

I had not heard of Barbara Hannay until I saw this in Big W and was drawn in by the blurb on the back. I am a sucker for a good country romance novel and this sounded right up my alley. I am about 100 pages off finishing and whilst I am pretty sure I know where it's heading I'm not quite sure how it's going to get there and that's what is keeping me turning the pages.

Stay tuned for my book review soon!

What are you reading???

Linking up with My Home Truths and One Mother Hen!

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